PH Soil Meters
pH Soil Meter FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Have a question about our soil meter? Check out these soil meter FAQs to find the answers to all the most popular questions.
Is the soil meter suitable for both indoors and outdoors?
Yes. Indoors may have much lower light levels, but the soil meter is suitable for indoors and outdoors.
Is it complicated to use?
No. Set the 3-position switch to select the meter function and insert it in the soil to get the reading. After use, just clean and dry the two probes.
Where does it get power from?
Although it uses electrical measuring methods, it does not need any power or batteries! It gets its power from the sun or soil as it does its job.
Is the product safe?
Yes. It uses tiny electrical currents (about 1 volt).
How long will it last?
How well you look after the monitor determines its lifespan, with nothing limiting it. If you leave the monitor in moist soil (which it should not be!), it may cause corrosion of the probes. We recommend cleaning and drying the probes after each use.
What sun/water/pH do my plants require?
Sorry, we can’t answer that one because every plant variety and species differ. Plenty of such information is available for plants, but you will need to know the name of each plant. In general, any extremes of pH or moisture may be unsuitable for most plants. It is always helpful to measure these factors and check that the measurements are ‘normal’, i.e., pH=7, moisture=5.
Can I use my soil pH meter to test the pH of my water?
No, soil pH meters do not monitor and test water's acidity (pH). They work by testing the moisture (through electrical currents in the soil) and pH of the soil. Testing the water pH using a soil meter will produce inaccurate results, even for small amounts of water.
How accurate is the moisture reading on soil meters?
Soil pH meters provide an accurate method of testing soil moisture. A quality meter can work with all soil types, including clay and sandy soils. Meters produce a reading with accurate measurements of up to 0.1% using soil moisture sensors.
How do I measure soil pH?
Using a soil meter to measure soil pH is a simple and accurate method for different types of soil. To measure soil pH using the meter, all you need to do is:
1. Choose the meter function (pH for measuring soil acidity).
2. Insert the probes into the soil.
3. Wait for the results to display on the meter.
4. Remove the probes and clean them after each use.
If you are using the meter to measure moisture, check the level and water.
How do you raise or lower the pH level in soil?
The ideal pH for soil in a garden should be around 6.5 for general gardening. This pH is perfect for a wide range of plants to grow. After testing, you may find your soil pH too high or low. In this case, there are suitable methods you can use to raise or lower the pH level in the soil.
Raising pH level
Acidic soils (with a reading of 3-6) can benefit from adding lime. Lime-hating plants like rhododendrons benefit from adding lime to very acidic soil (3-5). Very acidic soil means nutrients are more absorbent and washed away.
Lowering pH level
Alkaline soils (7.1-8) can benefit from adding acidifying agents to help lower the soil's pH level. Agents, such as sulphur and iron sulphate, are the most effective. Your soil type will affect how much agent is necessary. Clay soils require much more, while chalky soils will be unaffected.
Alkaline soils make it difficult for plants to obtain sufficient phosphorous, iron, and manganese. A lack of such minerals can result in lime-induced chlorosis.
How does an electronic soil pH meter work?
Electronic soil pH meters test the acidity or alkalinity of soil. Some soil meters, such as the EL-SM-METER3IN1, can also measure light and moisture levels. This device requires no batteries and sources its power from the sun.
What units does the device use to measure moisture?
The device provides three accurate soil pH, moisture, and light readings. The device displays the results using the following units:
• The pH scale shows pH readings ranging from 3.5 for acidic to 8 for alkaline.
• The meter displays moisture on a scale of 0 for dry and 10 for wet for water content.
• The meter displays light in a range of 0 to 2000 lumens.
How do soil meters work without batteries?
Using the EL-SM-METER3IN1 does not require any batteries or power. Instead, the device sources its power from the sun while calculating readings.
What is the unit of measure for pH?
The unit of measurement for pH is the pH scale. This displays a number on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 14. Low numbers, 1-6, are acidic. The lower the number, the higher the acidity. Higher numbers, 8-14, are alkaline. The higher the number, the higher the alkalinity. 7 is neutral. pH stands for the potential of hydrogen ions.
What are the advantages of a pH meter?
There are several advantages to using a pH soil meter:
• You can use it without set-up.
• The device sources its power and does not require batteries or power.
• The device provides 3-in-1 readings for acidity, moisture, and light.
• The pH meter provides accurate readings for testing soil pH, moisture, and light levels.
• Allows you to make necessary soil adjustments for acidic or alkaline-loving plants.
How do you know when a plant needs more water?
Watering plants too much or too little is one of the most common problems in the garden. Using a moisture monitor can help take the guesswork out of whether a plant needs watering or not.
However, this is dependent on a plant's specific needs. Drought-resistant plants, for example, can survive in dry soil for long periods, unlike other plants.
Why should I use a soil meter to test moisture?
Using a soil moisture meter to test for moisture helps take the guesswork out of when plants require watering. A low moisture reading for most plants means it is time for watering. A reading of electrical currents present in the soil determines moisture levels. Moist soil will have a higher current.
How do you calibrate and use a pH meter?
The device does not require calibration before or during use. It can provide accurate readings compared to other soil sampling methods and test kits.
What causes a low pH in soil?
Several reasons can result in a low soil pH, including:
• The use of fertilisers (including nitrogen fertilisers).
• Growing certain crops, such as vegetables, that require lime.
• Decaying organic matter.
• Soil composition (granite-based soils will become more acidic over time than other soil types).
• Acid rain
What is the ideal soil pH for plant growth?
The ideal soil pH for plant growth will depend on the soil, nutrients, and plants. Different plants, soils, and nutrients require different soil acidities for optimal growth. This is why pH testing is important for gardeners.
The table below provides a guide for the optimal pH for plants. You can also determine
nutrients availability in the soil using the graphic below.
Vegetables Ideal pH Reading Ideal pH Reading
Bean 6.0 - 7.5 Lettuce 6.0 - 7.0
Broccoli 6.0 - 7.5 Onion 6.0 - 7.0
Brussels 6.0 - 7.5 Pea 6.0 - 7.5
Cabbage 6.0 - 7.5 Pepper 5.5 - 7.0
Carrot 5.5 - 7.0 Potato 4.5 - 6.0
Cauliflower 5.5 - 7.5 Radish 6.0 - 7.0
Cress 6.0 - 7.0 Spinach 6.0 - 7.5
Cucumber 5.5 - 7.5 Swede 5.5 - 7.0
Leek 6.0 - 8.0 Tomato 5.5 - 7.5
Fruit Ideal pH Reading Ideal pH Reading
Blackberry 5.0 - 6.0 Melon 5.5 - 6.5
Cherry 6.0 - 7.5 Peach 6.0 - 7.5
Currant Black 6.0 - 8.0 Raspberry 5.0 - 6.5
Currant Red 5.5 - 7.0 Rhubarb 5.5 - 7.0
Gooseberry 5.0 - 6.5 Strawberry 5.0 - 7.5
Grapevine 6.0 - 7.0 Lawns 6.0 - 7.5
Flowers/Shrubs Ideal pH Reading Ideal pH Reading
Alyssum 6.0 - 7.5 Gladiolus 6.0 - 7.0
Azalea 4.5 - 6.0 Hydrangea Blue 4.0 - 5.0
Carnation 6.0 - 7.5 Hydrangea Pink 6.0 - 7.0
Chrysanthemum 6.0 - 7.0 Hydrangea White 6.5 - 8.0
Clematis 5.5 - 7.0 Marigold 5.5 - 7.0
Daffodil 6.0 - 6.5 Rhododendron 4.5 - 6.0
Dahlia 6.0 - 7.5 Rose 6.0 - 7.0
Fuchsia 5.5 - 6.5
Red Zone Green Zone Green Zone Green Zone Green Zone
Plants 1-3 Plants 4 - 5 Plants 5 - 6 Plants 6-7 Plants 6-7
Aloe Parachute Plant Action Plant Amazon Lily Moon Flower
Anchor Plant Pen Wiper African Violet Angel Wings Mosaic Plant
Asparagus Fern Pink Buttons Angle Tears Apostle Plant Mother-In-Law Plant
Baby Jane Pocket Book Plant Aralia False Azalea Mouse Plant
Baby pine of China Poinsettia Bachelor Button Brazilian Firecracker Nut Orchid
Baby’s Breath Queens Tears Boxwood Bridal Wreath Oleander
Beaver Tail Roman Candle Burn Plant Burro's Tail Peacock Plant
Bishops Cap Sand Dollar Cape/Crape Myrtle Butterfly Gardenia Peperomia
Bloodleaf Sedum Chile Bells Caladium Periwinkle
Cactus Shrimp Plant Cloth of God Calla Lily Petticoat Palm
Chicken Gizzard Tiger Jaws Corn Plant Camellia Pitcher Plant
Christ Plant Umbrella Tree Crimson Flag Chenille Plant Polynesian Ti Plant
Crassula Wall Fern Devils Ivy Cobra Plant Pothos
Crown of Thorns White Jewel Dieffenbachia Coleus Prayer Plant
Dumb Cane Green Zone Euonymus Columnea Quaker Ladies
Easter Orchid Plants 4-5 Finger of God Copper Leaf Sansevieria
Euphorbia Airplane Plant Firethorn Croton Saxifraga
Fig, Fiddle Leaf Begonia Flamingo plant Darlingtonia Scindapsus
Firecracker Plant Bird of Paradise Fleur D’Amour Dawn Flower Sea Grape
Flaming Sword Blushing Bride Flower of Heaven Dracaena Palm Spider Plant
Floral Firecracker Bonsai Tree Glory Lily Easter Lily Temple Bells
Foolproof Plant Bromeliad Gold Dust Plant Echeveria Turk’s Cap
Gas Plant Candle Plant Hoya Egyptian Star Cluster Velvet Plant
Geranium Century Plant Impatiens Explosion Plant Verbena
Ghost Plant Ceropegia Kashmir Bouquet False Holly Violet Flame
Glory of Texas Chain Cactus Kiss-Me-Today Fan Iris Wandering Jew
Golden Dew Drop Daphne Lady of the Night Fan Ivy Wax Plant
Good Luck Plant Earth Star Lantern Plant Farewell to Spring Zebra Plant
Hibiscus Echeveria Medicine Plant Ferns
Honey-Bunny Hairy Toad Plant Naked Lady Lily Fiery Love Flower Blue Zone
Ice Plant Hearts on a String Pussy Foot Fig, Creeping Plants 8-10
Ivy Hen and Chicken Queens Jewels Finger Aralia Watering is not
Jade Plant Inch Plant Rouge Plant Fingernail Plant necessary
Jasmine Star Little Stars Rubber Plant Fire Dragon
Jelly Beans Mock Orange Shooting Star Five Fingers
Lantana Norfolk Island Blue Solomon's seal Fuchsia
Little Candles Patience Plant Star of Bethlehem Gardenia
Little Owl Eyes Pearl Plant Victoria Aralia Honey Bells
Living Vase Philodendron Water Melon Jasmine
Lobster Plant Ponytail Jungle Flame
Marguerite Blue Radiator Plant Kalanchoe
Mimicry Plant Sea Urchin Ladies Tresses
Moonstones Stoneface Leopard Plant
Mother of Pearl String of Pearls Magic Flower
Musk Plant Vitamin C Plant Man in a Boat
Panda Plant Youth and Old Age Match me if you Can